The Lunch Box 28-day Diet Plan: My progress to-date

Week One: Day Two:

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my daily journal where I am writing about my experience of trialling the Lunch Box 28-day Diet Plan.  I have been very good again today, no cheating (so far) and I have good news too.

But, oh the trepidation stepping on those scales this morning – gosh it seems such a long time ago now (I am writing this journal at 8pm GMT simply so I can feedback the whole day’s events to you)  I awoke at 7.30am and thought about having a cup of tea and taking it back to bed with me, but then I thought – ‘I mustn’t have anything to eat or drink until I’ve weighed myself”, so after a trip to the bathroom (sorry, too much information, I know) but I have to give myself a fighting chance of losing a bit of weight, don’t I?  Anyway, I pulled the scales out from under the bed, I tapped on them to wake them up, and I said a little prayer……..up I jumped onto the scales, eyes closed —————— will I have, won’t I have?  Drum roll please

Woohoo! I have actually lost 1 pound

I thought I could hear orchestras playing and fireworks skimming the skies and poppers popping.  Okay, I’m going a bit OTT.  But golly gosh, I now weigh-in at 10-stones and 13-pounds.  A great start I think!

Today, has been okay, as far as energy levels go, I think I can truly say that I have been okay.  I will tell you what my diet consisted of today.

Once my weigh-in was complete and I’d stopped dancing around the room (they say small things, don’t they?) I decided to think about what I could eat today.  I must admit, I didn’t feel ravenous, which is surprising because I really did cut down on my food intake quite drastically yesterday.  Going from huge sandwiches, cakes, big roast dinners and puddings, down to a bowl of cereal, a box of rabbit food and then a modest meal, I really thought I’d be more hungry, but no.

Anyway, off I trotted to the kitchen, like the cat that got the cream, amazing what a buzz losing a pound of weight can deliver.  I decided to have a small portion of fruit salad and a poached egg on a slice of wholemeal toast, with a thin slavering of butter (I just can’t help it!).  I then decided to make up my lunch box for the day’s grazing to commence.  I filled the box with the following ingredients:

Carrot sticks


Raw Green Beans

Raw Broccoli florets

Water Chestnuts

Celery sticks

Yellow Pepper cut into sticks

2 slices of ham


I didn’t open the lunch box until around 1.30pm, simply because I wasn’t really hungry, and every time food came into my head, I had a glass of water first, see, I’m making use of some of the marvellous tips I have on my website – come on, give me a break, if I don’t give myself a pat on the back for things, who will?  Anyway, as I said, it was around 1.30pm before I opened the lunch box and started to nibble.   I was also surprised when I realised that I wasn’t going to finish the lunch box today either.  Now, I’m in two minds about why I didn’t finish it – one half of me is saying ‘You didn’t finish it because the food in the box didn’t really turn you on’, but the other half of me is saying, ‘You didn’t finish it because you were listening to your body and you kept nibbling just enough to take the hunger pangs away, not enough to feel full’.  Whichever of the two thoughts, grazing worked and my stomach simply didn’t need all of the food in the box, however, I think  I shall have to try and decipher which is the true reason sometime during the next 26 days.

My evening meal consisted of pasta with a bolognese sauce, no cheese.  It was followed by a small pot of yoghurt – strawberry flavour.

For my activity today, I again went for a power-walk around the village which, walking quite quickly, took me around 30 minutes.

Well, I must admit I am fairly pleased up to now.  I have managed to stick to the diet plan and I have actually managed to do 30 minutes of exercise each day and I have lost 1-pound in weight.  I can’t wait for tomorrow.  I just really wonder if the diet isn’t going to be a little monotonous, eating vegetables and salad throughout the day.  We will see, but for now, everything is on track.

I think I will re-read some of the chapters in the book and tomorrow I can give you a little more information on the diet itself, just so you don’t get bored too.

Well, that’s all for now and I will see you all tomorrow.

Thanks for joining me again

Love always
