The Lunch Box 28-day Diet Plan: Week One/Day Five – My progress

The Lunch Box 28-day Diet Plan

Week One/Day Five

What Progress?

Oh dear, what did I do wrong?  It was all going so well.  Mind you, I did think yesterday’s loss of three pounds was a bit excessive so I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked.

My weight loss today was a big fat…….






I cannot tell you the disappointment that came over me when I saw that I still weighed

10 stones and 9pounds

I’ve been asking myself all day ‘What did I do wrong?’

I don’t really think I did anything too untoward during my day’s intake of food.  I know that I had some bread in the morning, white bread at that, and I did have pastry in the evening, both of which are frowned upon, but I stuck to my lunch box through and through.  Mind you, if you remember, I did start having pickle with my box!  Maybe I over did the pickle?  That’s it!  The pickle was the culprit.

Well, I must admit I felt a definite wobble this morning after my weigh-in.  I could hear in my thoughts the words ‘Why bother?’ and ‘Well, that’s it then, it’s all over now’ .  I had to really fight my demons all day to stop myself just giving up and going for the biscuits and cake to soothe my dented ego.

But I didn’t!

I was good, really I was!


I went straight to the book and read Simon Lovell’s immortal words………………..


Believe in this diet.  Believe in your efforts.

Believe in me (Simon).  Believe, above all, in you (me) and your 

abilities!  We’ll get there!  I (Simon) promise!

Well, what more did I need?  I was spurred on to keep trying and keep trying to keep away from the biscuit tin is what I’ve done all day…..Simon also went on to tell me to ‘Get off my bum and jog around the couch ten times – which was fun – for the neighbours who happened to pass my window at the time!

Well, I somehow managed to muster the energy to do a little jogging on the spot, I tried hard to ignore my disappointment at not losing even half a pound and I got on with my diet plan.  I think I deserve a medal but that’s another story.

If anybody out there is interested, today I ate:


Wholemeal Granola with semi skimmed milk

Cup of tea with semi-skimmed milk


Today I filled it with:

Roast chicken breast

Cherry tomatoes





Lean rump steak griddled (no fat added)

Sweet potato wedges

Normal potato wedges (both roasted with a little olive oil and paprika)

Stewed Rhubarb and custard

Throughout the day I have been drinking water, tea and one small milky coffee with half spoon of brown sugar


I completed 30 minutes of aerobic activity using a sculpting loop (and if I am able to walk in the morning I will be very surprised)

Well, I’m sorry that I didn’t have better news for you, but I suppose for day  five of a new diet plan, losing five pounds still isn’t too bad.  If I was losing weight at a faster rate than that I would be wondering whether it was healthy and also whether the weight loss would be sustainable.

So, there we have it folks, my journal for day five.  I will be back tomorrow to report on yet another day of chezzymac’s adventures on her 28-day lunch box diet.

Till tomorrow

Sleep tight
