THE MASTER CLEANSE DIET: Secrets to help you get past day 2


The Master Cleanse diet, often called the Lemonade Diet or the Maple Syrup diet, is a liquid detox diet first created in the 1940s by Stanley Burroughs, who also produced a book, The Master Cleanser. If you want to read more about the Master Cleanse diet, find out the basic requirements for the diet, possible side effects and the positive and negative sides to the diet, then go to my article/review at

Today, though, we’re going to look at the secrets behind the diet and determine why the diet is still popular with people, including several celebrities, who want to lose weight quickly.

If you recall, the Master Cleanse is a liquid diet. It involves drinking 6 to 12 glasses a day of a lemonade style drink containing lemon juice, maple syrup, water and cayenne pepper (see a sample of a typical Master Cleanse recipe below)

Makes 1 serving

2 Tbsp organic grade B maple syrup
2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/10 tsp cayenne pepper
10 oz purified warm or room temperature water
Combine the lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne with the water. Stir.

* If you wanted to make a days worth of the master cleanse diet recipe you need to times the above by 6


SECRET NO 1: The more prepared you are for the Master Cleanse diet side effects, the more likely you are to succeed.

The best way to prepare for the Master Cleanse is to learn about all the ingredients and what role they play in helping you to lose weight, also, their role in the cleansing process. Reading the recommended books written on the Master Cleanse diet will be time well spent.

SECRET NO 2: Always start with the ‘Ease in’ part of the Master Cleanse diet, it will help you prepare for the dramatic change in diet

A lot of people start the Master Cleanse diet and think to themselves ”I don’t need to ease myself in gently, I’ll just start off straight away with the lemonade drink and less food – I’ll be fine’ Two days later these people have quit. Why? Usually people quit the Master Cleanse diet after the first two days because the first two days are quite shocking and the impulse to eat can be unbearable – they were not emotionally nor mentally ready for the diet. Easing into the diet for the first two days will not only prepare you mentally for the diet but it will also prepare your stomach for less food.

SECRET NO 3: Steps to get cravings under control and reduce their harm

During a detox fast your blood sugar levels can plummet leaving you craving food to restore the balance. To help keep cravings for dietary sugars under control try taking a supplement of the minerals chromium and magnesium. These minerals can help because they stabilize blood sugar.

SECRET NO 4: A few more ways to put yourself back in control of your cravings

Calm your cravings with zinc. This mineral derails out of control cravings by activating a brain chemical that sends ‘stop eating’ signals to the brain. Take at lease 15mg daily, the amount found in most multivitamin supplements.

Since nearly everyone who suffers from food cravings usually has some degree of depression, start taking a supplement of 5-HTP. 5-HTP is sold in health food shops and your brain converts it into serotonin, a brain chemical that improves mood while at the same time putting the brakes on appetite. Take 50mg of 5-HTP three times a day for 6 weeks (it may be beneficial to start taking this supplement 3-4 weeks prior to starting your detox) If you don’t notice a reduction in cravings and binge-eating episodes, increase the dose to 100mg. If you are taking other antidepressants, please check with your doctor before supplementing with 5-HTP.

SECRET NO 5: Drink plenty of water

Your body often confuses dehydration with hunger, and people who don’t drink enough water tend to eat more than they really need. If and when you have cravings on your detox, immediately drink two glasses of water, or a glass of your lemonade mix. Wait a few minutes and you’ll probably find your cravings have gone. Make sure the water you drink is purified water

SECRET NO 6: Mental detoxification

What? I hear you ask. A negative, tension-filled mind can sap your strength and motivation and make it harder to get through each day of the detox. To learn how to control the stress in your life is not an easy or quick thing and I don’t have a full solution for you in this article, but I have some tips which may help at the time of crisis, e.g., when you’re heading for the biscuit tin.

Breathe! When you are stressed use this breathing exercise: Breathe and hold. Take a deep breath, hold it in for about 5 seconds, then slowly empty your lungs. Repeat this cycle five or six times. It will permeate your cells with oxygen while at the same time removing toxic levels of carbon dioxide,

Another exercise is to use alternate-nostril breathing. Exhale all the air from your lungs, then close your right nostril with your thumb, inhale deeply through your left nostril. Now switch sides. Close your left nostril and exhale deeply through your right nostril. Repeat the whole sequence, alternating nostrils, 10 to 30 times.

SECRET NO 7: Cleanse with yoga

Apart from its role in meditative stress-reduction, yoga improves your organ’s ability to rid your body of stressful toxins. Most health clubs offer yoga classes, have a look what is on offer near you.

SECRET NO 8: Learn to let go of those negative emotions

The key is to focus on those mini-improvements. Don’t focus on the destination, it’s the journey that counts. Clear your mind which in turn will have a positive effect on how you deal with your detox. You can control your cravings and you can complete the 10-day detox – one day at a time. Enjoy the small feelings of success that you will experience each and every day that you stick to your detox – the power you will feel when you know you have control over your cravings – a wonderful place to be.

As always, I will finish off by saying again how in today’s world, practicing a healthy lifestyle must include a healthy diet, adequate exercise, and choosing to live the way you want to live. I can give you the tips and tools but I can’t be there in person to stop you slipping back into bad habits.

However, if you need to off-load any problems you encounter, and perhaps, if you found a way to overcome these problems, maybe you would be kind enough to share so others may benefit from your experience, go to and share your comments on the forum.

Good luck with everything
Speak again soon

Best wishes
Chezzy Mac